Changing circumstances and needs are increasing the demand for business spaces in technology parks
There are only a few technology parks around Tallinn, where small-scale production and customer meetings can be carried out under one roof. Tarmo Rammo and Ivo Tammearu, Sales Managers at real estate developer Favorte, explain why these stock-office type technology parks are becoming increasingly popular among companies and how businesses can grow with technology parks.
The stock-office concept allows companies to consolidate warehouse and production spaces, as well as office and showroom spaces, in one location. „In total, Favorte has built and rented out more than 35,000 m2 of stock office space,“ said Tarmo Rammo, Sales Manager of Tähetorni Tehnopark.
„We have had clients who have preferred stock office rentals for several years. They have first-hand experience of how keeping different units together can save on logistics, time and ancillary costs. This makes their business significantly more efficient and profitable,“ Rammo added.
However, fast-growing companies will soon find themselves in a situation where existing premises tend to remain too small. „We have a number of tenants who are actively fundraising, such as Roofit.solar, ICONFIT and Mulieres – and with the expansion of Tähetorni Tehnopark they can comfortably grow too. This spring, we signed a new contract with ICONFIT for the Härgmäe 24 building, which will be completed this year. Their new premises will be twice as big as their previous commercial space in the neighbouring building,“ the Sales Manager illustrated the possibilities of movement within the technology park.
This way, companies can continue to do business in a well-established location that is familiar to both customers and partners. A total of 12 commercial buildings with a total area of 60 000 m2 will be built in Tähetorni Tehnopark by Paldiski Road. On the other side of the city, in Lasnamäe, another major business development is taking shape.

„We have started the construction of a new technology park at the newly reconstructed Väo junction," said Ivo Tammearu, Sales Manager of Väo Tehnopark. In total, six buildings with a total area of 21 000 m2 will be built in the business park. „As usual, a business environment with integrated architecture and traffic-friendly infrastructure linking the different plots will be developed here,“ Tammearu noted.
Usually, the entire area underneath technology parks is designed in advance before the construction starts, ensuring a well thought-out end result with a network of wide driveways, manoeuvring areas, car parks and pedestrian walkways. This way, the customer does not have to worry about accessibility or parking problems when moving in.
In terms of accessibility, it is also important to think about the surrounding traffic before choosing a new business location. „Both Tähetorni and Väo Tehnopark are located in the suburbs for easy access for employees and customers. At the same time, the proximity of the main motorways gives commercial vehicles fast access to the roads leading out of the city, to head towards Muuga, Narva, Paldiski or Via Baltica,“ Tammearu described the logistical opportunities offered by business parks.
„Most of our business premises are tailor-made, and people more interested will be able to get acquainted with our previous work before concluding the contract,“ Tammearu said. For example, some companies have combined several units together, altered the proportion of office and warehouse premises in the commercial space, added doors or partitions in suitable locations, and ingeniously made use of the full storage height in warehouses. „Looking at real-life examples will certainly give you some good ideas on how to design your new rental space and thus make your business processes more efficient,“ said Favorte's Sales Manager.
More information can be found at tahetornitehnopark.ee and vaoaripark.ee
More information can be found at tahetornitehnopark.ee and vaoaripark.ee